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Any day/ Any time/ $TBD

*Annual membership fee is due at the first session (Currently pro-rated to $30)* 

Privates can be done by yourself or with friends! Your lesson plan is catered to the skills and events you want to work on and your schedule is directly set between you and your coach! Don't have a coach in mind? Let us match you with one!

1-2 gymnasts: $45 per gymnast/hr
3-4 gymnasts: $35 per gymnast/hr
5-7 gymnasts: $30 per gymnast/hr

Email us for 30-45 min pricing or pricing over an hour.

The cost per hour depends on how many attend your private pod that session. Even if your typical pod has 5 students and only 4 show up, the pricing will be at the 3-4 student rate.

Discounts: There is a $5 discount off per student who is currently enrolled in other classes (rec, preteam or team), a $5 discount off the family total for siblings (minimum 1hr lesson), and a $5 cash/check discount off per family total!

*A Maximum of $10 in discounts can apply per hour per family*

Email us to get you assigned to a coach.


Select Saturdays 12:30-2:30pm

Fall 2024 Saturdays:

August 24th

September 21st

October 19th

November 9th

All ages welcome!

Ages 4 and under must stay in the Pre-K room, on Tumbl Trak, or in the pit with their parent/guardian age 15+. Parent/Guardian should not be on the equipment and should supervise their child at all times. Ages 5+ do not need to have a guardian present, but should be able to conduct themselves appropriately and use the restroom on their own.

*Annual membership fee (Currently pro-rated to $30) and membership forms are due at the first session to participate, NO exceptions*


(Parents/Guardians of gymnasts under 5 do not need to pay for their entry, only the participant's entry and their membership)

Open gym participants will have free reign to utilize the equipment in the gym.

An instructor is present at all times to supervise, but they are not responsible for instruction. Horseplay or inappropriate use of the equipment will not be tolerated and may result in suspension from Open Gym for an indefinite period.


*You must arrive at 12:30pm for check in. If nobody shows up within the first fifteen minutes, Open Gym will conclude. Likewise, after the last student leaves, Open Gym will end. There is no pro-rate for late arrivals or leaving early.*

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