Home of eight Jr. Olympians and eleven qualifiers!
Spring Registration is OPEN! Classes start on the 13th!
Spring 2025
Registration & Schedule
Classes run from Monday, January 13th - Saturday, May 10th, 2025
Please read ALL of the information below before registering!
Registration Info:
1) Please take time to visit our Forms & Pricing Tab. It has important payment information as well as the holiday/closing schedule for the Spring semester. If you are a new student or if your information has changed since January 2024, please also complete the Membership Form at the top of the page. You will need to send it in when you register.
2) Find the class group best suited to the current age and interests of your child (scroll down for schedule). Select the day/time that best fits your schedule for the Spring semester (January 13th- May 10th).
3) Once you are ready to officially register, send us an email with your membership form attached and the following information:
Student's Full Name & Preferred Name
Student's DOB and Age
Class Name, Day, and Time you are registering form. We recommend listing second class choice if your first choice has three spaces or less listed.
4) You will receive a confirmation email within a couple of hours. If you do not, please check your spam folder and then send us a Facebook message.
5)At the time of confirmation, you will have 24 hours to submit both your 2025 annual Membership Fee by Venmo, Cash, or Check and January Tuition. January Tuition will cover tuition for the first week in May (last week of classes).
Membership Fee: $35 per gymnast, $75 max per family- NO Cash/Check Discount
January Tuition ($80 per gymnast for 1x a week; $120 per gymnast for 2x a week).
Discounts for on time tuition payments only: $5 off tuition total paying by cash or check, $10 off tuition total for siblings.
Monthly Tuition is due on the 25th of the current month to continue in the following month and avoid a $10 Late Fee. If payment is not received by the last day of the month, your gymnast will be removed from the role. Tuition has been carefully figured based on 16 classes (with the exception of Saturday students).
February Tuition will be due on 1/25/25
March Tuition will be due on 2/25/25
April Tuition will be due on 3/25/25 - Saturday students will have a pro-rate this month.
May Tuition (one class) is paid for in your January Tuition. If you start later in the semester, $20 will be added to your first payment to include the one class. It is non-refundable for early withdrawal.
Additional Payment Information can be found under the Pricing & Forms tab.
Trial Classes: To allow registering families the opportunity to enroll in the class of their choice at the start of the semester, we will not offer Trial Classes until February at the earliest. One-time Trial classes are $25 per gymnast. Check back in February for more info!
Individual Classes: If your schedule will not allow you to attend the same class every week, you can attend classes on an individual basis. To do this, you will need to pay the annual Membership Fee. You can register for an individual class up to 72 hours prior to the class you plan to attend. Only classes that show space in them can hold individual class students. Class space can change at any time. Individual Classes are $25 each and payment is due immediately upon confirmation.
Spring '25 Schedule:
Please do not register until you have read ALL of the information at the top of the page. Incorrect registration may result in delayed enrollment or loss of class space.
Classes Listed as "FULL" are at capacity.
We can add you to a waitlist.
Boys Class
50 Minutes
Ages 6+
*Will follow the AAU 4x4 curriculum for events*
Saturday 11:45am - 12:35pm 2 spots left
50 Minutes
Ages Walking - 2 Years Old
*Parent/Guardian over 15 must assist gymnast in class
Monday 5:30pm - 6:20pm
Wednesday 3:15pm - 4:05pm 1 spot left
50 Minutes
Ages 3-5 Years Old
*Must be potty-trained and able to use restroom on own to attend regardless of age. One month grace period to move up into this class.
Monday 3:30pm - 4:20pm
Tuesday 3:30pm - 4:20pm
Tuesday 4:30pm - 5:20pm FULL
Tuesday 5:30pm - 6:20pm 2 spots left
Wednesday 4:15pm - 5:05pm
Thursday 5:30pm - 6:20pm FULL
Saturday 9:45am - 10:35am FULL
50 Minutes
Ages 6+ Years Old
(one month grace period for 5 year olds to join before 6th birthday)
Monday 6:30pm - 7:20pm FULL
Tuesday 3:30pm - 4:20pm FULL
Wednesday 5:15pm - 6:05pm FULL
Wednesday 6:15pm - 7:05pm
Thursday 3:30pm - 4:20pm FULL
Thursday 4:30pm - 5:20pm FULL
Saturday 10:45am - 11:35am FULL
50 Minutes
Tumbling: Ages 6+
Gymnasts will work skills of their own level. Some practices, they will be divided between multiple coaches into skill groups. Some practices, stations will be designed to accommodate multiple skill progression levels from beginner to advance. Students do not go to Bars, Beam, or Vault in this program.
Monday 4:30pm - 5:20pm
Tuesday 4:30pm - 5:20pm
Piranha / Preteam
Advance Gymnastics Program
Invite only by current coach- Tryouts will be allowed beginning in Feb ($25)
Piranha - 1.5 hours (non-competitive)
Preteam - 2.5 hours (pre-competitive - gymnasts will move straight to Team after Spring)
Ages 4+ Years Old
Monday 4:00pm - 5:30pm FULL
Monday 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Thursday 4:00pm-5:30pm FULL
Thursday 5:15pm - 7:45pm unlimited space